Wednesday 19 October 2011

Ladies Afternoon at The Living Room

 Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that I will participating in the Ladies Afternoon, an afternoon of demonstrations and chat, being held at The Living Room in St Cyr on Thursday 17th November at 14h30.

It is a chance for ladies to get together for a little 'tête à tête' whilst enjoying a refreshing pot of tea with cakes or a well deserved glass of bubbly... go on... spoil yourself.

Entry is free and there is a fun tombola with prizes donated from all the local artisans, so please feel free to bring along a friend or two for an afternoon or fun, creativity and chatter. 

Booking is highly recommended as there are only 30 places for the day, so please contact the Living Room on 05 55 48 92 37 or send an email to

I hope to see you all there for some great Christmas inspired demonstrations x